One year Google web vulnerability research

Adam Mein from the Google Security Team shared today some stats from the VRP of the last 12 months. The facts about one year VRP: $429.000 paid to around 200 researcher for 750qualifying bugs. Roughly half of the bugs that received a reward were discovered in software written by

ICON HD Tank Module Pairing

After many hours reading different versions of manuals I found out, that's not possible to perform a pairing operation between Icon HD Tank Module and the computer without pressure on a tank. The hint that's the manual is wrong is inside the Erate Corrige: In Section 1.8 it is XSS Gallery

In the past I've reported a lot of security bugs to Google (you find here some stats about the last year) and three months ago I've found in just one night a lot of reflective XSS bugs on different sites. If I try to compare both security team,

XSS on

I found yesterday a persistent XSS on Google Security filled a bug after 32 minutes. I will provide more informations about the bug after a fix is released. Very short response times are the normal case for Google's Security Team. Timeline Initial Report: 24. June 2011,

Google Drive Rumors

Today we can find several signs that Google Drive is arriving in the next weeks. I'v found some hints about Google Drive on in a javascript file: cg="My Google Drive" lma="Remove from My Google Drive" qma="Restore to My Google Drive" lba=" items haved been

Gerüchte über die Nikon D800

Update am 16.08: Nikonrumors hat heute eine Meldung gebracht, dass am 24. August nur eine spiegellose Kamera vorstellt wird. Im September ist dann schon die nächste Pressekonferenz, möglicherweise stellt Nikon dann endlich die D800 vor. Update am 22.09: Schreibt Goldtrader schreibt in einem Blog-Kommentar: Spoke with a sales